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Argo the Wounded

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Argo the Wounded Empty Argo the Wounded

Post by Argo Fri Feb 27, 2009 8:18 am

*The camera cuts backstage to a locker room and we see a sofa and Plasma TV on a nice black stand. Argo and Elisha walk into the picture and sit on the sofa. Argo has a bandage on his forehead where he was bashed in the head by Lord Omar Khaddar. Argo is wearing his Argo the Unstoppable Shirt and Jeans while Elisha is wearing her low cut Argo the Unstoppable Shirt and black pants. They both turn and start watching something on a Plasma TV which looks like the live airing of Down Under.*

Argo: Hey, if that ever happens again make sure you stay safe.

Elisha: Ok Ill stay safe. Hey I think we are TV Argo.

Argo: So it would seem.

*Argo and Elisha look up to towards the camera and smile.*

Argo: Yep that camera they put back here for the interview is on. I bet someone knocks on the door in the next 10 seconds.

*As Argo finishes talking he hears a knock on the door.*

Argo: Come In!

*Nicole Kidman walks in to Argo's Locker Room.*

Nicole: It's time for that interview time we setup.

Argo: I figured that, the camera turned on.

*Argo and Elisha both laugh a bit.*

Nicole: Ok well the question on everyone's mind after that violent brawl at the end of the last show is how is your physical condition?

Argo: Well outside of the 15 stitches and the minor concussion I suffered I would have to say I am doing good. Omar caught me good with that chair and I guess I owe Tick.

Nicole: Speaking of Tick and Omar after the first night of the run for right to challenge you who do you think made the biggest impact towards getting a title shot?

Argo: Well the biggest impact was probably to my head from that steel chair; however, Aram actually won his match and Tick and Tonten had a great singles match, so it's anyones guess.

Nicole: Is there anyone you would rather face for the title?

Argo: Right now I really want to get my hands on Omar after that chair shot, but whoever GD decides gets the title match that is who gets the title match. Being the Outback Champ, I already did all I could, everything else now is just up to me being able to step up to the challenges I face and retain it. I just have to stay focused and keep training so I can continue to be the hold this belt and do what I do best entertain the best fans in the world, The fans of SCW!

*You can hear the fans in the arena cheer as they are listening to Argo.*

Nicole: So what is your impression of your possible challengers for your title.

Argo: They are all going to make for a tough challenge. Tick I don't think has been pinned yet in SCW, Tonten and me well we go way back and any match with him is a tough one, Aram is tough and on quite a roll lately, and lastly Omar... he decided to make a statement and keep himself in the title picture by bashing my head in with a steel chair and I know from past experiences what that Omar has no problem making statements like that so I will be prepared for anything from him. Here is the real question that they all need to be asking themselves...

*Argo rips the bandage from his head revealing the head wound caused by Omar then holds the Outback Title up to the camera as it takes up the picture.*

Argo: *intensely* I am prepared to give all the blood, sweat and tears that it takes to retain this belt and I hope for the sake of whoever gets this title match that they are ready to do the same.

*The camera then zooms in to the name Argo on the belt and cuts to back to the Arena.*

Rove: "Some powerful words from the Outback Champion there."

Adam: "Maybe that head wound finally knocked some sense back into him."


Number of posts : 297
Registration date : 2008-12-15

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Argo the Wounded Empty Re: Argo the Wounded

Post by Tonten Fri Feb 27, 2009 8:10 pm

automatic camera!!! awesome!!

Number of posts : 409
Age : 31
Location : São Paulo, Brazil
Registration date : 2008-12-02

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