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Dunga Dunga vs Tonten

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Dunga Dunga vs Tonten Empty Dunga Dunga vs Tonten

Post by Dunga Dunga Sat Apr 25, 2009 10:34 pm

The Titantron turns on and shows Dunga Dunga is walking along the hallway, before turning the corner he bumps against Tonten.

Dunga:Hey, watch where you walk punk.

Tonten:Look were YOU walk, moron.

Tonten pushes Dunga.

Dunga:You shouldnt had done that...

Tonten:Yeah, so what you are gonna do, go cry to GD?

As Tonten pushes again Dunga, from around the corner appears Witcher, and Tonten face turns pale.

Dunga:So what you were saying?*Chuckles*

Tonten:...*Tonten is speechless*

Dunga and Witcher continue walking toward Tonten, and both bumps against Tontens shoulders.
Then continues their way.

Tonten:You wouldnt be so cocky if you were alone.

Suddenly a voice is heard from around the corner.

Argo: That could be arranged., how about a 1vs1 in the next show?

Tonten:I couldnt be happier.
Dunga Dunga
Dunga Dunga
Southern Cross Tag Team Champion

Number of posts : 31
Registration date : 2008-12-08

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